“When the wicked rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2
The growing list of abusive and oppressive actions of our federal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is so shocking and disturbing that it’s hard to know which bill or cabinet decision to address next. And the federal government is not alone in its senseless exercise of power. Provincial governments—like Premier John Horgan’s NDP government in British Columbia—seem to be competing for the prize of “most foolish and harmful regulatory agenda.”
In just this past week, the federal Liberals—with their obsequious following of NDP, Bloc and Green MPs in tow—decided to ignore science (once again) and continue to discriminate unjustly against Canadians who have not submitted to the dangerous and ineffective COVID-19 vaccinations. In spite of the mountains of evidence that the so-called vaccines prevent neither infection nor transmission and the fact that most other free countries have now dropped vaccine mandates, our PM insists that we punish the unvaccinated by preventing them from travelling by air or train within Canada.
Mr. Trudeau has also announced plans to effectively ban legal handguns in Canada by prohibiting their acquisition, transfer or sale. Presumably, this is in response to the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. His opportunistic grandstanding on gun violence was predictable. Simultaneously, his counterpart in B.C., Premier John Horgan, announced that he will be decriminalizing possession of what have heretofore been known as “hard drugs”—cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin. The juxtaposition of these actions and statements should cause intelligent and conscientious citizens to question the logic and motives of both the PM and the Premier.
Guns have been around for a long time. School shootings were rare until recent decades when mental instability, fatherless homes, rampant drug use, casual sex, and extremely violent “entertainment” (videos and video games) became commonplace. When I was a boy, teenaged deer hunters used to arrive at high school with a couple of rifles in a rack behind the driver’s seat of their pickup trucks. This was not a cause for concern at that time because these young men were not expressing antisocial behaviour; they were just planning to go hunting after school.
The move to the decriminalization of hard drugs in B.C. was authorized by the federal government as a 3-year exemption from current federal drug laws. They are touting it as an “experiment” they hope will lead to lower drug use, fewer deaths and better socialization in the future. They are dreaming. Punishment and social consequences for unhealthy behaviours is a deterrent, no matter what the wishful thinkers may claim. Accommodating vice and normalizing those behaviours is the surest way to increase the spread of addiction and non-productive lifestyles. B.C. was a leader—years ago—in the creation and operation of “safe injection sites.” How’s that working for you? Just take a look at the downtown core.
Showing his support for the “soft on drugs approach” leftist Vancouver Mayor, Kennedy Stewart, claims that he cries on Monday mornings when he gets the reports of all the fentanyl and other opioid deaths over the weekend. Does he think—and do the B.C. Premier and Cabinet believe—that allowing the possession of “small quantities” of highly-addictive and dangerous drugs will not lead to “large quantities” of the same drugs by pushers and users? Where will the “small quantities” come from, if not from the criminal underworld?
By its nature, addiction always demands more; drug addicts are not known for their self-restraint. Drugs are costly. Most users are not what we would call hard-working taxpayers with 9 to 5 jobs. Where will they get the money for the drugs if not by stealing, prostitution, gun-running or other unsavoury occupations? One of the causes of the increase in hard drug use and fentanyl deaths was the legalization of the gateway drug called marijuana, now mostly referred to as cannabis. When young people are encouraged to experiment—whether in sexual lifestyles or in the ingestion of mind-altering drugs—it shouldn’t surprise us that some of them become addicted to the behaviours as well as the drugs. An addict seeks the experience even though the risks are known. Legal penalties are enough to prevent some people from experimenting and becoming addicts.
Aside from marijuana’s known role as a gateway drug, there are credible indications that it can and does create mental health issues in heavy users. In his 2019 book, Tell Your Children: The Truth about Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence, author Alex Berenson posits that heavy use of recreational marijuana causes psychotic episodes . . . and psychosis can lead to extremely violent behaviours. We knew this back in 2018 when the Trudeau government legalized it. Of course, he and his caucus weren’t about to let public opinion and scientific evidence stand in his way in 2018 any more than he does today. As long as his caucus and the toadies in the NDP enable his self-serving catering to his favourite advocacy groups, the fawning media and misinformed public will continue to accept his foolish enactments as inevitable and inconsequential. They are neither.
How do stricter gun laws and a new tolerance of dangerous drugs work together? Mass shootings, like the one in Uvalde, are the work of a deranged mind. No person in his or her right mind would set out to shoot a bunch of children. While the sinful human nature of man is the root cause of all violence and conflict, broken homes, psychotic drugs and a diet of violent fantasy videos greatly influence the likelihood of moral collapse. When Prime Ministers and Premiers pretend that taking weapons from the hands of responsible citizens, while allowing the criminal element to peddle legal drugs and illegal handguns to an apathetic, under-motivated, overstimulated and purposeless generation, our nation is in trouble. And when the public can be convinced by a compliant corps of subsidized media that the actions of such governments are “for our own good,” it is time for good people everywhere to speak up or forever hold their peace. The CHP supports both responsible gun ownership and effective and persistent efforts to reduce the consumption of harmful and addictive drugs. Consistent enforcement of drug laws and a return to our biblical moral heritage offers much more hope to the hopeless and purposeless than does the white flag of surrender.
Rod Taylor
National Leader, CHP Canada
Interim Leader, CHP-BC
Note: This article was first published on the national website of CHP Canada.
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