Rod Taylor of Telkwa will once again represent the Christian Heritage Party of British Columbia in the upcoming provincial election.
Taylor is currently serving as the party’s provincial leader as well as the national leader of CHP Canada. He was elected to the provincial role at CHP-BC’s AGM last October in Smithers.
Both federally and provincially, Taylor has promoted the CHP platform of ‘Life, Family and Freedom.’ He talks freely about the protection of innocent human life from conception until natural death and opposes both abortion and euthanasia.
Taylor has written and spoken against MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) and is an opponent of the NDP provincial curriculum represented by the acronym SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity). He supports parental rights and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s recent actions to protect young children from puberty blockers, hormone treatments and irreversible surgeries. He believes women and girls deserve privacy in washrooms, change rooms and shower facilities, and should not be forced to compete with biological males in sports competitions.
During Covid lockdowns and mandates, Taylor participated in local and national efforts to educate the public about the dangers and inefficacy of the experimental injections, and the failure of both the federal and provincial health officials to institute more effective protocols and treatments. He supported calls for freedom from government mandates and informed choice for medical procedures.
Along with other concerned citizens, Mr. Taylor is a staunch opponent of BC’s Bill 36, which would place every health care practitioner in BC under the direct control of politicians and bureaucrats, and would punish with fines and jailtime those doctors who express a professional opinion contrary to government dictates.
He says, “This corrupt NDP government has already damaged BC’s Healthcare almost beyond recognition. We’ve lost nearly 10% of our wonderful nurses; some were fired, some were coerced, all are overworked. Some moved out of the province, never to return. Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix have viciously attacked some of our best doctors and nurses, and those who were fired were not even allowed to receive the Employment Insurance they paid into. This abuse of medical professionals must stop!”
Citing emergency room and maternity ward closures around the province, Taylor says, “This is an opportunity to have a party leader representing the citizens of Bulkley Valley-Stikine in Victoria, and to work with MLAs of other parties to reverse the disastrous agenda of the BC NDP.”
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