Rod Taylor
Leader, CHP-BC
Personal Details
- Born: 1951
- Married to Elaine: 1974
- 2 Children / 4 Grandchildren / 1 Great-Grandchild
- Loves gardening, woodworking, history, poetry, music and art
- Committed to the restoration of family values and respect for life in Canada’s political environment. A lover of truth, justice and mercy.
- Resides in Telkwa, BC – “Where the Rivers Meet”
Work Experience
- Elected National Leader of CHP Canada in 2014
- 5 years as Development Officer with CHP Canada
- 25 years in the lumber industry, primarily lumber grading and quality control. Served as lead hand, supervisor, safety committee chair, union rep.
- 6 years track maintenance for CN Rail in Alberta
- Several years working on farms, horse logging, log building, gas plant maintenance, tree planting and assorted other job experiences
Political Experience
- National Leader of CHP Canada from 2014 to the present
- 8 years Interim Leader of CHP-BC
- Deputy Leader of CHP Canada from 2008 to 2014
- Candidate for CHP Canada in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2021
- Candidate in 2016 by-elections, Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner and 2017 in South Surrey-White Rock
- President of the BC Council of CHP Canada for several years
- Candidate for CHP-BC in 2013, 2017 and 2020