It’s quite obvious that we have a real conspiracy on our hands; a conspiracy to censor the truth and to promote ideas that distract our fellow-citizens from understanding the agenda of the leftist elite. The far left, at this point, have become so twisted in thought and mind that the common people are beginning to question their ridiculous dictates.
But political leaders at both federal and provincial levels are determined to legislate and regulate in order to get their way; they have set an agenda that gives them additional power and wealth, but will destroy civilization as we know it . . . and they seem ‘hell-bent’ (literally) to follow this demonically destructive path (whether deliberately, of their own accord or under pressure from others).
A small group of wealthy elites seem to believe it is their right and destiny to usher in a ‘New World Order’. Sometimes they speak of it openly . . at other times, behind closed doors.
Leading this effort is the W.E.F. (World Economic Forum) the WHO (World Health Organization) and a cluster of multi-billionaires (Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and others) who contribute cash and influence to bring their plans to fruition. They have managed to gather supporters at all levels of governments by bribery, blackmail, and political threats; it may at times go farther.
These people act like the New World Mafia. In the last century, we had powerful underworld characters like Al Capone, the Teflon Don and others. They used terror, violence and threats to get what they wanted.
The New Mafia—with untold trillions at their disposal—have learned how to control and manipulate leaders in government, judiciary and industry.
So how can citizens hope to throw a monkey wrench into their plans?
The answer is in the title of this article, but of course there is more to it than that. The very first thing that should be considered is, “what does the Bible say?” If what government and business elites are doing goes against the Word of God, then just say “no”.
The second important thing to do is check the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If what they are doing is in contravention of that, then again just say “no”.
Any action to resist this tyranny must be done peaceably—the same way the Truckers conducted themselves during their Freedom Convoy. Because most of our laws have historically been based on Judeo-Christian principles, good laws will resonate with both the Bible and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
While we say “no” to evil, we need to say “yes!” to those who are working to defend our freedoms. Please join us at CHP-BC; become a member and help us find a good CHP-BC candidate for your area. If you can’t find a candidate for your area, become one.
The New World Mafia must be stopped! We all need to make wise choices today to save our province and our nation. God helping us, we can make a difference!
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