Taxpayers To Foot A Larger Bill For David Eby’s New Cabinet, Pay Raises
Read the article on the True North website
B.C. Police Failing To Enforce ‘Restraining Orders’ Too Often, Report Finds
Read the article on the Montreal Gazette website
Air Canada Launches Voluntary Facial Recognition System At Vancouver Airport
Read the article on the Montreal Gazette website
Poilievre Comes Down Hard on Pro-Life MP Arnold Viersen
Read the article on the Montreal Gazette website
BC Aerial Spraying Communities with Bacterial Pesticides
Read the article on the Vancouver City News website
BC to Ban Drug Use in All Public Places
Read the article on the Global News website
Online Harms Act Threatens Free Expression
Read the article on Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms website
Bill C-367 Calls Religious Speech Hate Speech
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Proposed Changes to BC Land Act Are Huge
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Canadian Human Rights Commission claims Christmas is rooted in ‘identity as a settler colonial state’
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‘Canada Is Dying’: an Aaron Gunn documentary about the surge in violent crime
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Dr. James Thorp and the Harm mRNA Can Cause Pregnant Women
Begins at about the 1-minute mark on the video.
Watch this highly-recommended film on
Anti-Porn Petition in Support of S-210
Click or Tap here to view the petition form. From there you can print it, then sign it and mail to the address provided on the form, or you can download it first, then print, sign and mail it.
Rota Resigns As Speaker Of The House Over Ukrainian Nazi Scandal
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Environment Committee Aims To Reduce Travel, While Guilbeault Spent $700,000
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*Note: you may need to sign up for an account with, in order to read the article linked to above.
Free To Fly Class Action Lawsuit
Free to Fly Canada, through retained counsel, Umar Sheikh of Sheikh Law, has filed a Class Action lawsuit against the Canadian government, on behalf of aviation employees harmed, as a result of the vaccination mandates.
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Ottawa Tried To ‘Freeze Out’ Freedom Truckers By Preventing Them From Idling Trucks In Low Temperatures
Read the article on website
Meditations on the Betrayal of Science
Read the article on Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms
Métis File Human Rights Complaint After BC First Nations ‘Colonialism’
Read the article on True North
Canada Attempts To Ban Supplements
Watch the video on Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson’s website
Quebec Expands Euthanasia Law
Read the article on Alex Schadenberg’s blog, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
‘Second’ Carbon Tax Will Cost Canadians …
Read the article on Alex Schadenberg’s blog, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms – CEO Major Russ Cooper (ret’)
C3RF Update, 28 Apr 2023 – No Country For Sheepdogs
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Sign! Government of Canada Petition to Dump WHO-related Treaty and Regulation Changes
If you weren’t happy with the last three years of pandemic edicts, mandates and decrees that had their origins in the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations, just think how happy you’ll be if the WHO took over Canadian public health responsibilities through a newly-minted international treaty and changes in related International Health Regulations (IHR). All of this is taking place behind your back, and in secret by your own government – unless you say NO!
Canada’s Christian Heritage ft. CHP’s Ken Stouffer
On this episode of the Dispatch, hosts Andrew DeBartolo and Matthew Hallick are joined by Ken Stouffer, the National Development Director for the Canadian Heritage Party (CHP), to talk about Christianity’s fundamental impact on the history and development of Canada.
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Maria Gutschi: Pharmacist & Regulatory Specialist | Saskatoon Day 2 | National Citizens Inquiry
Insightful testimony by NCI Expert Witness, Maria Gutschi, raises concerns regarding the conduct of COVID-19 injection trials and the classification of the injection as a vaccine or gene therapy.
Learn more by watching her video on
Canada Deviated From Strategic Pandemic Response | Lt. Colonel David Redman | Red Deer Day 2
Lt. Colonel David Redman, an esteemed expert in Emergency Management, delivered a compelling presentation during which he highlighted the stark contrast between the government’s actual response to the COVID-19 crisis and the emergency plans that were already in place. His expert analysis sheds light on the failures of our emergency management systems and underscores the urgent need for more effective and efficient crisis management strategies.
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National Citizens Inquiry | Red Deer Day 3
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Maxime Bernier, Brian Peckford File Federal Appeal In COVID Travel Mandate Case
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COMMENT: We wish these two gentlemen the best of success and a total victory! —Rod Taylor
The Honourable Brian Peckford Joins Laura-Lynn Today.
Mr Peckford is the last living signer of the Canadian Charter of Rights. He has thoughts on where Canada is headed, and what things we should be looking out for.
Watch the Interview on
COMMENT: Always good to hear from Mr. Peckford. We value his insights, and Laura-Lynn continues to fight the good fight for freedom. —Rod Taylor
“Stop lying to the public. It is an embarrassment to our province!”
Dr. Bridle is an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph. COVID Chronicles By Dr. Byram W. Bridle Science-backed information to dispel the rampant disinformation being propagated about SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, early treatments, and the current inoculations. His research program focuses on the development of vaccines to prevent infectious diseases and treat cancers, as well as studying the body’s immune responses to viruses.
Canadian Town’s Mayor Pleads With Province To Lift Ban On Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers
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COMMENT: This mayor is a good example of what’s meant by the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates. Standing up for his constituents against a higher level of government that is abusing its power. —Rod Taylor
Demonstrably Unjustified (A Series) With This Episode’s Guests, Keith Wilson and Chris Barber
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Patients of an Ontario Physician File Legal Challenge
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Police On Guard Supports The National Citizens Inquiry
While the NCI is not legally binding, it will serve to wake up more Canadians who are sleeping thru the loss of their freedoms.
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Death In The Family: Why A Father Says MAID Expansions Are ‘Losing Something’ For Canadians
If you told Mike Schouten assisted dying was an option for his son Markus, he would have been devastated. “Our family would’ve heard: okay, you’re giving up on him now. You’re giving up.” Mike’s son, Markus, was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer at age 18. “Markus asked the doctor… ‘how much time do I have?’ […]
Laura-Lynn Talks To Daryl Ferguson Political Scientist Regarding Pierre Poilievre’s Comments About Christine Anderson EMP
BC Conservative MLA Wants Ban On EV Subsidies Due To Slave Labour Concerns
A BC Conservative motion to end subsidies for electric vehicles due to the use of the slave labour involved in acquiring the cobalt necessary to produce their batteries caused a stir in the province’s legislature on Monday. BC Conservative MLA John Rustad was set to introduce a private member’s motion for debate on the issue […]
China Hearings | CSIS Director David Vigneault Questioned On Foreign Interference
CSIS Director David Vigneault testifies in the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs to discuss continuing revelations on reports of foreign interference in Canada’s 2019 and 2021 elections […]