Dee Kranz, Prince George
Map of Prince George – Mackenzie:
I moved to Prince George in 1986, and planned to stay only 5 years. It’s been a long 5 years. Before I knew it, like many others, I had fallen in love with the northern community of Prince George.
I worked as a Registered Nurse at the Prince George Hospital for over twenty years, and as an independent business woman for fifteen years. My husband AK, and I, have raised three children in Prince George, with the last one now at UNBC.
This community has given me a place to raise my family, and now I have time to give back.
Honesty, integrity, and the prosperity of northern communities are what I am most passionate about, and I look forward to serving you.
Contact Info
Phone: 778-281-3058
Email: deekranz@chpbc.ca