CHP-BC Members Unanimously Affirm Leader and Board at AGM in Smithers

CHP-BC members held the annual AGM in Smithers, BC on October 21, 2023. The event was held in the Old Church; a historical building, and one of the first buildings in the city. A number of policy and constitutional resolutions were passed by the members.

Rod Taylor, who has been serving as Interim Leader for the past year and a half, was affirmed as Leader. There were no other contestants.

CHP-BC AGM 2023 - Rod Taylor affirmed as leader

Board President Ed Ewald, Financial Agent Lynn Simcox and Secretary Dee Kranz were also ratified, and continue to serve as Board of Directors.

Mr. Taylor thanked the members for their support, and also expressed his confidence in the Board and his gratitude for their hard work.

This was the first AGM conducted with both in-person delegates and others participating via an online Zoom connection.

CHP-BC 2023 AGM with zoom meeting

After the plenary session, Mr. Taylor introduced the Honourable Brian Peckford, the last living drafter and signer of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Mr. Peckford spoke at length about the Charter, the ‘Supremacy of God’ clause and Section 33, the Notwithstanding Clause. He also took some questions from the floor. He spoke to the members through a live Zoom connection on a large screen in the meeting hall.

Brian Peckford via zoom at 2023 CHP-BC AGM




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