CHP-BC Radio Ads

Each link below takes you to 30-second audio clip, currently being played on BC radio stations. Each one describes a key issue that the provincial NDP and their BC United (formerly BC Liberals) have mismanaged. CHP-BC has bold solutions for these and other BC problems.

Please copy these links onto your social media platforms, and share the links with your email contacts. If you’d like to have them playing on a radio station in your area, or if you’d like to consider serving as a candidate in
the 2024 BC Election, contact us at:


Radio Ads – click on each one to open an audio file, so you can listen:

1. Fixing BC’s Healthcare System

2. Fixing BC’s Schools

3. NDP Government is Pushing Drugs

4. Protecting Doctors and Nurses in BC

5. Exposing MAiD Deaths in BC



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