Rod Taylor
Leader, CHP Canada
Part 1 of a 2-part series on COVID-19, government’s coercive response, and different approaches to
treatment and prevention
Canada has been dealing with questions about COVID-19 for almost one year. Information has flooded
both cable news and the internet about what the virus is, how contagious or deadly it may be and how
best to control its spread and minimize the death toll. Some Canadians are asking themselves: “What
price are we willing to pay economically and socially for reduced exposure to germs? How effective are
those measures? What else could have been done to save lives?” And now, as experimental vaccines are
becoming available, folks want to know: “How safe are they? How effective are they at preventing
infection? Will we have them forced on us?”
Thousands of articles, blog posts and whole books are being written on these questions; hours and hours
of video presentations are available on websites and social media, although some voices are being
censored to allow the narrative of our provincial and federal governments to predominate. Many citizens
—if they listen only to CBC, and read only the Globe and Mail—may believe they’re getting complete and
unbiased information. This is simply not true.
As National Leader of CHP Canada, I know that our society is divided on these questions. Our churches,
communities and even our families are being divided as people decide whom to believe. We all would
agree that there are many different opinions on these issues, sincerely held by people of good will. Their
opinions are largely determined by the news sources they trust. Obviously, when several opinions
conflict, they cannot all be correct. Our aim is to provide some information not readily available on
mainstream media.
This first segment is focused on the Pfizer and Moderna experimental vaccines that are now being
distributed in Canada, the US and around the world. While many people are worried that there may not
be enough to go around or that they may have to wait too long for their turn to receive an injection,
others (myself included) are concerned that these experimental biologic agents may not prove as safe or
effective as government agencies and the pharmaceutical companies would have us believe.
The official narrative that these fast-tracked experimental products are safe and effective is continuously
proclaimed by government spokespersons and public health officers. I do not need to repeat those
claims here because the mainstream media is carrying that message every day.
I want to give you a few links to opinions and research that you may not have seen. I’m not a doctor. I’m
not telling anybody not to take the vaccines; I only share this information and encourage you to make
informed decisions for yourselves and your families. Canadians are under tremendous pressure to
conform. Before acting, please consider the following opinions and concerns you may not have heard
about the Moderna and Pfizer “vaccines”:
1. Although Moderna and Pfizer’s RNA injectable products are referred to as “vaccines,” some doctors
say that is not an accurate term. They should actually be called “experimental biologic agents.” A
true vaccine is meant to give immunity and prevent infection.1 The manufacturers do not claim
that their products will produce “immunity to infection or prevent transmission” of COVID-19. The
WHO does not claim that these experimental vaccines will prevent infection or transmission.2 “I
don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent
people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on,” said the WHO’s
chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, MD.3
2. Vaccination will not end the pressure to wear masks, socially distance and avoid crowds. Although
most people assume that vaccination will allow a “return to normal,” health officials admit that the
vaccination will not guarantee immunity.4 All mandated precautions—such as masks5 and
quarantine—will still apply to vaccinated air travellers returning from a foreign country.6
3. There has been a small but significant number of reported adverse reactions—including deaths—
among those who have been vaccinated.7 As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. points out, the pharmaceutical
industry likes to call these deaths and injuries “coincidental,”8 while counting every death of a
person with a positive PCR test within 60 days as a COVID death, regardless of age or
4. In spite of the growing evidence that these experimental vaccines carry significant risk and no
guarantee of protection from infection, the pharmaceutical companies manufacturing them are
immune from liability.9 They do not accept any responsibility for harm caused, even if that could
be proven (which is very difficult to do). The federal government already has a system for reporting
adverse reactions following any vaccination, including those using the experimental COVID-19
vaccines. The reporting process is complicated and begins with the patient or family reporting back
to the medical practitioner who administered the injection. The practitioner may report to the
CAEFISS (Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System).10 Most adverse
reactions are never reported. If —by some miracle— a court should award compensation for injury
or death, it will be paid for, not by the pharmaceutical companies but by federal taxpayers under a
government-proposed vaccine injury compensation program.11
5. Another concern for some Christians regarding the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is the fact that
cell lines from aborted fetal tissue were used in the development or testing of these experimental
products. While the products themselves do not actually contain fetal tissue, for some of us, the
fact that the vaccines were tested using the by-products of an abortion —however long ago that
abortion took place— still raises ethical questions.
These are just some of the concerns that have been raised about these experimental RNA products. I
encourage you to review the information in this article, explore the links and come to your own
conclusions.12 I’m not giving you medical advice. I’m only offering information. CHP Canada believes that
the government has an obligation to protect the right of all Canadian adults to make their own informed
health decisions.
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