Each link below takes you to 30-second audio clip, currently being played on BC radio stations. Each one describes a key issue that the provincial NDP and their BC United (formerly BC Liberals) have mismanaged. CHP-BC has bold solutions for these and other BC problems. Please copy these links onto your social media platforms, and […]
Author Archive | CHPBC Admin
Rod Taylor To Represent CHP-BC In Bulkley Valley-Stikine
Rod Taylor of Telkwa will once again represent the Christian Heritage Party of British Columbia in the upcoming provincial election. Taylor is currently serving as the party’s provincial leader as well as the national leader of CHP Canada. He was elected to the provincial role at CHP-BC’s AGM last October in Smithers. Both federally and […]
CHP-BC Members Unanimously Affirm Leader and Board at AGM in Smithers
CHP-BC members held the annual AGM in Smithers, BC on October 21, 2023. The event was held in the Old Church; a historical building, and one of the first buildings in the city. A number of policy and constitutional resolutions were passed by the members. Rod Taylor, who has been serving as Interim Leader for […]
Just say “No!”
It’s quite obvious that we have a real conspiracy on our hands; a conspiracy to censor the truth and to promote ideas that distract our fellow-citizens from understanding the agenda of the leftist elite. The far left, at this point, have become so twisted in thought and mind that the common people are beginning to […]
How The Left-Wing Political Movement Is Destroying Canada As We Know It
Who would want to destroy a free country like Canada? The truth is the attacks on our western civilization are coming at us from many directions. I lay some responsibility on the UN, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF) and other socialist-leaning organizations. Why are they seeking to undermine our democratic […]
CHP Canada Leader Strongly Condemns the PM’s Use of the Emergencies Act
CHP Canada Leader, Rod Taylor, Strongly Condemns the PM’s Use of the Emergencies Act to Silence Peaceful Protest On National Flag Day, when all Canadians should be celebrating our flag and what it represents, Prime Minister Trudeau has instead brought shame and disgrace on the Government of Canada by imposing brutal measures to try to […]
CHP-BC and CHP Canada Leaders Attend BC Christmas Freedom Rally
On December 5, Rod Taylor, National Leader of CHP Canada, as well as Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, Provincial Leader of CHP-BC, joined with other like-minded, freedom-loving British Columbians in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery to celebrate the freedoms we have as Canadian citizens, and to encourage one another to continue to respect and defend freedom […]
Two Videos from AGM 2020
At our AGM in Abbotsford on September 12, we elected Laura-Lynn Thompson to serve as Leader of CHP-BC. If you missed her AGM speech, watch the video below: We also had a special speaker, Angelina Ireland, President of the Delta Hospice Society. Her wonderful speech and power point presentation can be viewed in […]
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson Named New CHP-BC Leader
Popular television personality, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, will lead the Christian Heritage Party of BC into the next provincial election. The long-time host of ‘Laura-Lynn and Friends’, on national television and also on Facebook, was acclaimed unanimously at the annual general meeting of CHP-BC, held in Abbotsford, yesterday. Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson has been prominent in a […]
What Have They Done?
The people of BC are probably beginning to wake up to the horror we call the last election. Through a backroom deal, a party with only three elected candidates signed an agreement with a party that the majority of voters had not elected, which allowed the said parties to gain power. Then the non-elected party […]