CHP-BC delegates made history on April 6th, 2013 when they met at Telkwa, BC for an all-day meeting to review, amend and ratify both the Policies and the Constitution of the Christian Heritage Party of British Columbia.
The delegates pushed through a rigorous agenda, and succeeded in completing – not only the work on the core documents of CHP-BC – but also in electing the Executive for the year ahead.
- Wilf Hanni has been officially affirmed as the Leader
- Louis (Luke) Kwantes was elected President and Financial Agent
- Adam DeKroon was elected Secretary
- Rod Taylor was appointed Deputy Leader by Wilf Hanni
Because our Leader, Wilf Hanni, will be out of the province during part of the election, Rod Taylor will also be the Acting Leader for the duration of the 2013 campaign.
Mr. Taylor also announced his intention to represent CHP-BC in the Stikine Constituency in the upcoming election.
This will be the first time there has been a CHP candidate in a provincial campaign in Canada.
There are several other potential candidates in the wings; nominations are open until April 26 at 1:00pm. If you, or someone you know, would like to represent CHP-BC in the 2013 Election, contact Rod Taylor at
At the conclusion of the business meeting, the delegates enjoyed a superb catered dinner, and were entertained by local musicians before hearing a powerful address by Denise Mountenay, author of ‘Forgiven’ and founder of ‘Canada Silent No More’.
Denise shared about her work with post-abortive women and the lobbying efforts she participates in at the United Nations and around the world.
Not a member yet? You can join CHP-BC by clicking here. Your membership is a joint membership in CHP-BC (the provincial wing) and CHP Canada (the federal wing).
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